The business-government-science triad has been the basis for the development of the economy and society for a long time. The primacy and significance of this alliance become increasingly evident in times of critical events that cannot be predicted in advance. One of such events was the global pandemic, that radically changed the entire world economic order.
To restore their business activity, companies need clear answers to the following questions: “How to stay on course in the new economic paradigm?”, “How to prevent a sharp deterioration of indicators?”, “How to develop a clear corporate development strategy; based on fundamental interrelationships between macroeconomic phenomena and processes?”
To create effective algorithms for supporting the economy and to make objective forecasts of the country's economic development, it is important for the academic community to understand the real state of affairs, to see and to hear problems faced by the corporate sector and the state.
There is a need for dialogue between the state, business and science to assess necessities of economic agents for government support, to correct strategic documents for socio-economic development, and to identify national priorities.
Discussion topics:
- transformation of the economy during the pandemic (at macro-, meso- and microlevels) and technological leadership
- scenarios and forecasts of the socio-economic development of the country in the new economic paradigm
- assessment of short-term and long-term consequences of the pandemic for Russian and world economy
- main directions of economic policy during and after the pandemic
- opportunities and challenges of global regulation of the economy during the pandemic
Ekaterina Lisitsyna, Russia, Director of the ESC "Economics"
Irina Komarova, PhD in Economics, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, PRUE
Invited Speakers:
Ekaterina Zinovieva, Minister of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region
The role of digital technologies in the industry development of the regions
Igor Demin, Deputy General Director of the Moscow Innovation Agency (subordinate structure of the Moscow Department of Entrepreneurship)
Ecosystem of technical business support measures in Moscow
Svyatoslav Masyutin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Director General of the RUSELPROM Concern, President of Interelektro, Chair of the Smolensk RO SoyuzMash of Russia
Features of strategy development for machine-building enterprises in the context of instability
Vladimir Borodin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher of Polzunova Altai State Technical University
Lessons from the Pandemic and prospects for technological renewal
Daria Dinets, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Economics and Railways Management, Irkutsk State University of Railways
Financial aspects of the instability of the modern energy market
Sergey Kolerov, Chief expert of the group for the development of integrators and project management of TVEL JSC
The Pandemic fighting effectiveness: new metrics
Alexander Krasilnikov, Head of the Risk Management Department of MTS, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
State regulation of the welfare of economic agents during pandemic: harm or benefit?
Marina Gregoric, Croatia, PhD, Associate Professor, University North
The Pandemic impact on the global tourism market
Anton Borisov, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, PRUE
How metabolic syndrome continues to disrupt economies during the pandemic
Ruslan Dzarasov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, PRUE
Global turbulence in the world economy
Elena Erokhina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, PRUE
Analysis of the factors of economic instability in the Russian Federation
Alexey Zaitsev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, PRUE
Territories with the special legal status as a tool for the development of the digital economy: main issues and prospects
Irina Komarova, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, PRUE
Alexander Sigarev, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian labor market during the pandemic and post-pandemic
Nikolay Kulyasov, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, PRUE
Measures to support and develop science in the post-pandemic period
Svetlana Mudrova, PhD in Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Political Economy and History of Economic Science, PRUE
Regional development during the pandemic